Sunday, 28 June 2015


Short and sweet, basically a bundle of nerves today…feeling nervous about going to hospital tomorrow; and possibly still full from eating too much tea last night. Nearly packed my hospital bag, just a few more things to grab. Worried about not being able to snuggle up with Mr T at night, and being alone in a hospital at night with strange noises and sounds. I’ve never liked being away from home for very long. Maybe after this Mr T will be able to convince me on the long overseas holidays we have talked about.

A very active Baby T today, who has spent most of the day moving, bumping and kicking into regions down below. It’s already fragile down there, I don’t need any more help…and these are big moves she was pulling today. Maybe it’s the steroids turning her into Baby Hulk!

Nervous for tomorrow, the day after that and all the other days too!

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