Saturday, 5 September 2015

What a little lady!

The love and kindness we have experienced so far on our journey with our little Lily has overwhelmed us at times. For the support from our nearest and dearest we are forever indebted. The wonderful people we have met at the hospital in the NICU are equally amazing. They always make sure you are ok, ask you to be involved as much as possible and have genuine care for the babies they look after…these people are amazing. One nurse in particular, Lily has a special rapport with. Lily has her wrapped around all of her teeny tiny fingers and toes. She made Lily a special little dress to wear. Today we got to put it on. She looks so adorable, like a proper little lady!

Skin time with Mummy
Cleaning up after nine weeks!
Lily also had her first bath today, followed by more cuddles and then dress ups. She gets so relaxed when she has cuddles that she forgets to breathe as much as she is supposed to sometimes. Lily is getting bigger, so they are weaning the temperature down in her isolette, so that she can be in an open crib, hopefully by the end of next week. This means she will be able to start wearing more clothes.

We have made lots of progress in the last few weeks. It is only when you stop to look back at photos from the last eight weeks that you realise what a trooper she is, and how hard Lily has been working to grow, grow, grow! Check her out over the last nine weeks...766g to 1.840kg

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